These rules have been drawn up to summarise and amplify the Memorandum and Articles of the Society.
If conflict or doubt between the Rules and the Memorandum and Articles, the Memorandum and Articles take precedence in law.
1(a) British Llama Society is a Company Limited by Guarantee: Company Registration Number 04897204. In the event of the company being wound up the liability of each member is limited to £1.00.
1(b) The Society shall be bound by United Kingdom Company Law. A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Society which were incorporated in 2006 can be obtained from the Secretary.
1(c) The British Llama Society may be referred to as the Society in these rules.
2. The objectives are summarised as:
2.1 To promote develop and encourage the good husbandry and breeding of llamas.
2.2 To encourage and promote among the general public the ownership of llamas for their diverse qualities.
2.3 To encourage and promote the improvement and growth of the stocks of llamas in the United Kingdom and to develop and advance the most efficient and up-to-date methods of rearing llamas.
2.4 To develop and promote guidelines and codes of conduct appertaining to the keeping, breeding, welfare and commercial exploitation of llamas.
2.5 To offer support and help with welfare issues involving llamas owned by both members and non-members.
2.6 To organise and facilitate on a national and/or regional basis social forums for discussion, training classes, educational sessions, treks, shows and exhibitions, conferences, demonstrations and lectures.
2.7 To publish and disseminate information with reference to all aspects of llamas including: feeding, health, management, marketing, movement, selection and training.
2.8 To support and promote the commercial interests of keepers and breeders of llamas including: sale of llamas, commercial llama trekking and production and sale of llama fibre and products made from their fibre.
2.9 To establish and maintain a register of all members of the company and establish and maintain a register and/or herd book for registration of llamas in accordance with the rules and regulations of the company and to classify and maintain records of all animals entered in the said register and/or herd book.
2.10 To include in and apply these ‘objects’ to other species of South American camelids as deemed appropriate and in particular to guanacos.
3. Membership shall be open to any owner, breeder or person interested in camelids. The board reserves the right to refuse membership without reason. An annual subscription shall be payable. A one-time joining fee may be applied.
4. The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held each year upon not fewer than 21 days’ notice, which shall specify location, time and business to be transacted. The AGM will normally be followed by an informal general meeting at which members can raise matters for discussion.
5. All statutory meetings other than Annual General Meetings shall be deemed to be Extraordinary meetings and 14 days’ notice shall be given.
6. The committee shall consist of up to 10 members. Elected members shall serve for three years and at the end of this period they shall be eligible for re-election. The committee has the power to co-opt other members within the maximum of ten.
7. The committee shall be responsible for the general conduct and management of the affairs of the Society and in particular shall:
(a) Appoint a chairman from their elected members annually who may be re-elected in subsequent years.
(b) Appoint a secretary annually who may or may not be an elected member.
(c) Fill any casual vacancy arising on the committee and the person so appointed shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting when they shall be eligible for election and shall serve for the remainder of the term of office of the person replaced.
8. Election to the committee
(a) Any member of the Society is eligible to serve as a member of the committee.
(b) Any member of the Society can nominate a candidate to the committee, having first obtained their consent. Such nominations must be received by the secretary in writing or electronically not later than 14 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. A list of all nominees must be displayed prior to the AGM. New nominees will be asked to provide a brief curriculum vitae.
(c) If there are more candidates than vacancies a secret ballot shall be held at the Annual General Meeting. Scrutineers shall be appointed at the meeting. If there is a tie, the chairman shall cast a second secret vote.
(d) The following procedure shall be adopted in respect of elections to committee where the chairman of the meeting is amongst those standing for election and where there are more candidates than places:
The objective is to avoid the possibility of the chairman having to cast their second vote in the event of a tie at the AGM (or general meeting). The meeting shall be adjourned (as provided for by Article 14) for five minutes to enable a new chairman of the meeting to be selected from amongst committee members who are not involved in the election. If willing to act the vice chairman should be selected.
The meeting will be re-convened and the agreed committee member will be appointed Chairman for the balance of the meeting. In the event of a tie for election to the committee the chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote, as provided in Article 19.
These rules were approved at the inaugural AGM on 31st March, 2007 and amended on 3rd October, 2007.